Polymath software intro
Polymath software intro

Updates (April 14, 2018, June, 2019) Dustin Mixon and Aubrey de Grey have launched Polymath16 over at Dustin’s blog. Update: This is polymath15 which seems very active and quite successful.

#Polymath software intro update#

Update (January 25,2018) A new polymath project is emerging on Tao's blog: Polymath proposal: upper bounding the de Bruijn-Newman constant. (Dec 24 2017) A spontaneous polymath project, polymath14, over Tao's blog: A problem was posed by Apoorva Khare was presented and discussed and openly and collectively solved. (It was proposed as an answer to this question here.) (May 14, 2017) Tim Gowers is running a polymath-like project polymath13 on "Intransitive dices".

polymath software intro polymath software intro

Updates (Before January 2018) : Timothy Chow launched polymath12 on Rota's basis conjecture (February 24, 2017). ( January 31, 2016) Tim Gowers launched on his blog polymath11 on Frankl's union-closed conjecture. (Nov '15, 2016) Currently, polymath10 on Erdős-Rado delta system conjecture is running on my blog.(New, Dec 29, '15) Terry Tao posted (on behalf of Dinesh Thakur) an interesting proposal for a polymath project regarding identities for irreducible polynomials Update: problem solved by David Speyer. Updates (Before Nov 2016) There were a couple of additional polymath-type projects. (There were several MathOverflow questions motivated by running polymath projects, especially questions related to polymath5.) Those projects ran over Gowers's blog ( polymath1, polymath5 and others), Tao's blog ( polymath8), the Polymath Blog (administered by Tao, Gowers, Nielsen, and me) ( polymath4 and polymath7), and my blog ( polymath3). So far, there were about 10 polymath projects of which 6-7 led to intensive research, and among those 3-4 were successful. The polymath wiki page gives a description and links to former polymath projects and much additional information. This is a concept introduced in 2009 by Tim Gowers and is in line with other forms of Internet mathematical research activity which include MathOverflow.

polymath software intro

Polymath projects are a form of open Internet collaboration aimed towards a major mathematical goal, usually to settle a major mathematical problem.

Polymath software intro